Tournament Information
& Facility Rules

Our Rules
We are excited to host and rent our venue out to reputable Directors. . They have their rules and policies and will be the organizer and operator. If you are at Adventure Sports Complex – Please follow read and follow ours.
Adventure Sports & Entertainment is a community resource all-turf facility. We provide local programs and teams with many resources as well as rent our facility out for Major and Local events.
We are involved in many charitable efforts and need everyone’s cooperation to have a great experience and to protect the park / preserve it for years to come. It is a major task to “manage “ 2,000 visitors a day especially with volunteers and limited resources – we need your help!
Turf is expensive but also valuable – expect to continue to play through or around any other issue as long as safety is not a concern. We will post on our Facebook site ( under Adventure Sports & Entertainment) any weather updates asap. We provide batting cages, observation decks, canopies for shade, multiple “house” tents for more shade, seating, a clubhouse restaurant , video streaming, free cornhole/games , covered dugouts, lights etc – we just want to keep it nice and continue to improve. We still only ask for $5 entry for visitors to help off-set our cleaning and security expenses.
Adventure Sports reserves the right to expel and/or ban any visitors for violating our rules , please be part of making all events a great experience , be a great role model and enjoy your visit.
Coaches must show up prior to their first game of the tournament to check their team in. All managers must be prepared with all their proper documents including but not limited to the roster, insurance, and birth certificates. This will allow things to be efficient and run smoothly.
At the present time admission for the parents and fans for Adventure Sports is $5.00 per adult. Children under the age of 12 are admitted free of charge. Admission fees are subject to change without notice.
General PARKING is free. Some events may offer VIP parking at a cost.
If additional parking is needed, please follow the signs directing you to the auxiliary lot across the street. Cars that are double parked, parked on the road, or not parked in marked spots are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Coaches are responsible for ensuring all dugouts are left clean. Since seeds and gum are not allowed in the park because it damages the turf, any player caught with seeds will be expelled along with that teams coach.
Park Rules
No seeds, gum or tobacco products. Seeds specifically harm the turf, and we will remove any player along with their coach due to the seriousness of this damage.
No metal cleats, no poles, or anything that can damage the turf. Please feel free to bring lawns chairs but keep them outside of the turf. We have some seating, bleachers, and picnic tables for your convenience.
No pets allowed – Too many complaints about children being afraid, and threatening lawsuits – sorry.
No outside food or Drink. Our coffee sales help support the Corvino Foundation and so please do not bring coffee, or any fast food, wawa, etc. into the park. You are welcome to bring food from home for those that have allergies as well as water. Teams can bring in ONE team cooler. Visitors may bring in a small carry thermos/cooler but it is subject to search. No outside Alcohol.
No Littering. it’s been a tremendously hard thing to patrol. We have 88 well placed garbage cans, in which are emptied throughout the day. We now have a bathroom cleaning company that cleans the bathroom continuously throughout the day. Please do not take this as you can just throw things on the floor, damage items or break/steal/ or deface anything including in the bathrooms. We really appreciate everyone’s help with this since its been a big issue.
No Fighting /cursing or stalking anyone. It’s for the children, it’s for your family to build memories. Let’s avoid a memory of being in a fight or acting poorly.
It’s a great opportunity for all adults to act accordingly, to be a great role model for the children and to enjoy the day. We try to provide as many amenities as possible – let’s enjoy them as well as protect them.
- No Metal Cleats
- No gum / chewing tabacco or seeds
- No Smoking
- No Alcohol
- No Tobacco Use
- No Pets
- No Outside Coolers ( 1 team cooler allowed)
- No propane heating or cooling devices. Battery fans and misters are allowed.
- No bicycles, scooters, roller skates, skateboards, hoverboards
- No public music players or noise makers in the stands nor the dugouts/fields
- No outside food/drink
Park Rules
Each team is required to have proof of insurance with them at all times. Proof must also be provided to Adventure Sports and Entertainment prior to the tournament. The insurance certificate must have no less than $2,000,000 General Aggregate and $1,000,000 for Each Occurrence. The insurance certificate must have “Adventure Sports and Entertainment” listed as the certificate holder and additionally insured.
The roster size can be unlimited for the number of players on the team. There can be no more than 3 complimentary admitted coaches allowed in the tournament. A team can add to the roster all the way up to the first game. If an unforeseeable circumstance happens during tournament play where a coach needs to add to his roster he must immediately submit his reasoning to the tournament committee and the committee will then either grant or deny his request. A player can be on the roster for two different age groups, but not on multiple teams within a single age group. If a player’s name shows up on multiple rosters, he/she must designate which team he/she is officially on. If a player is not on the roster and is playing in a game that player will be immediately ejected from both the current game and the rest of the tournament. The current game will NOT revert back. Play will continue as it was at the point of ejection. You MUST submit a roster in order to play your first game.
Any foul language, arguing, berating. or unbecoming actions towards any umpire can result in either temporary expulsion or permanent banning of the facility.
Teams are to bring their own practice balls for the batting cage and warm-up. Teams also should bring helmets, bats, gloves, catcher’s gear, first aid, and other equipment that may be needed for your team. NO METAL CLEATS!
Adventure Sports is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or unattended personal items/equipment or any damage by balls/athletes/games. If you are worried about foul balls – please park accordingly.